نماذج كفر لتر جاهزة Cover Letter Templates /نماذج جاهزة لكتابة الخطاب التعريفي

ديسمبر 27, 2023
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نماذج كفر لتر جاهزة  Cover Letter Templates /نماذج جاهزة لكتابة الخطاب التعريفي

نماذج كفر لتر (cover letter) جاهزة


يسأل العديد من الباحثين عن عمل ماذا أكتب عند ارسال السيرة الذاتية ، و كيف أراسل الشركات عبر الإيميل عند ارسال السيرة الذاتية بطريقة احترافية وغيرها من الأمورها ، في هذا المقال سنتعرف على cover letter وأهميته عند ارسال السيرة الذاتية



ما هو Cover letter


في بداية الأمر لابد من التعرف عن  ما هو Cover letter، تعد الترجمة الحرفية لكلمة Cover letter هى رسالة التغطية والمقصود بها في مجال الأعمال هو الخطاب التعريفي المرفق بالسيرة الذاتية لتقديم معلومات وبيانات إضافية تخص مهارتك وخبراتك.


الخطاب التعريفي هو عبارة عن مقدمة مختصرة  وبسيطة عن الشخص وتحتوى على أبرز وأهم الخبرات والمؤهلات التى يمتلكها الشخص المتقدم للوظيفة، فعندما يقوم الشخص بإرسال السيرة الذاتية للتقدم إلى وظيفة ينبغي عليه أيضا كتابة Cover letter وذلك لزيادة فرصته فى القبول.


يعتبر Cover letter من الأمور الهامه التى تؤهل الشخص المتقدم إلى الوظيفة إلى الانتقال لمرحلة تحديد موعد لمقابلة العمل، لذلك يجب على الشخص المتقدم إلى الوظيفة الاهتمام بكل تفاصيل Cover letter من حيث الصياغة والتنسيق، كما يمكنك شرح سبب تقدمك للوظيفة بشكل مفصل وذكر معلومات توضح مدى توافقك مع العمل المطلوب.


أهمية Cover letter عند إرسال السيرة الذاتية




يعد Cover letter جزءا هاما عند إرسال السيرة الذاتية فالبعض لا يدرك أهمية Cover letter ويترك هذه الخانة فارغه عند إرسال السيرة الذاتية مما يقلل من فرصة الشخص المتقدم للوظيفة الحصول على الوظيفة.


تبرز أهمية Cover letter فى أنه يعطى صاحب الشركة أو المسؤول عن التوظيف لمحه مختصره وبسيطة عن المتقدم للوظيفة قبل قراءة السيرة الذاتية، وفى حالة عدم وجود Cover letter الخطاب التعريفي ضمن الايميل فهذا يؤثر سلبا على المتقدم للوظيفة ولن يتم فتح السيرة الذاتية الخاصة به، فعدد المتقدمين للبحث عن وظيفة كبير جدا وبالتالي عدد السير الذاتية كبير جدا ومن هنا تكمن أهمية Cover letter الخطاب التعريفي لأنه يعطى الانطباع الجيد للمتقدم للحصول على الوظيفة وبالتالي يتم قراءة السيرة الذاتية الخاصة به.

تكمن أهمية Cover letter الخطاب التعريفي فى أنك من خلاله يمكن لك توضيح العديد من الأمور التى من الصعب توضيحها فى السيرة الذاتية والتى يمكن أن تمثل لك نقطة ضعف، وتكمن أهميته أيضا فى حالة التقديم على وظيفة أكاديمية، وفى حالة التقديم على Internships أو فى حالة وجود Gap year or Shift career.

يمكنك من خلال Cover letter الخطاب التعريفي توضيح اسم الوظيفة التى تتقدم إليها مع ذكر مؤهلاتك وقدراتك التى تؤهلك للالتحاق بالوظيفة المتقدم عليها، كما يمكنك توضيح أمور غامضة فى السيرة الذاتية مع توضيح أسبابك للالتحاق بهذه الوظيفة.


 وتعد أهمية Cover letter الخطاب التعريفي فى أنه يتيح لك الفرصة للتميز عن غيرك من المتقدمين للوظيفة وايضا يمنحك الفرصة للتسويق لنفسك حتى لا تضيع سيرتك الذاتية وسط زحام المتقدمين للحصول على الوظيفة، فقد يتكاسل العديد من أصحاب العمل بفتح السير الذاتية لكل المتقدمين لذلك يفضلون وجود نبذه بسيطة ومختصره عنك تعكس سيرتك الذاتية.

الخلاصة :- 

يعد الخطاب التعريفي جزءا مهما عند ارسال السيرة الذاتية ،فالكثير من المتقدمين للوظائف لا يدرك أهمية ذلك و يترك خانة المحتوى في الرسالة فارغ ، وهذا يقلل من فرصة الشخص في الحصول على الوظيفة أو المقابلة من بين المتقدمين .


قمنا بتجهيز عدد كبير من نماذج cover letter ، نماذج الكفر لتر جاهزة و متنوعه فهناك نماذج للأطباء والمهندسين والمحاسبين وغيرهم من التخصصات والمهن , يمكن اختيار النموذج المناسب  والتعديل عليه بما يناسبك من مهارات وخبرات لديك.

نماذج كفر لتر (cover letter) جاهزة

النموذج الأول 


Dear M/s ---:

I am responding directly to your request for a Site Engineer for your company. As an accomplished Site Engineer, I would bring my exceptional analytical skills and strong computer software abilities to your organization to allow you to continue your success.

In my current position as a Site Engineer, I am responsible for surveying work sites prior to the commencement of a job and creating a detailed report for project management. I have exceptional managerial and organizational skills that allow me to efficiently use a team of experts to get the job done. 

I also have a keen dedication to meeting deadlines and getting a project started on time. As your firm prepares to take on a series of new and large projects you will need my skills in order to complete these projects on time and under budget.

My professional experience and track record make me the ideal Site Engineer candidate for your company. 

I look forward to discussing my qualifications with you and setting up a personal interview at your convenience.


Sincerely Yours,

النموذج الثاني 



Subject: Job Application

Dear Sir---:

I would like to apply for the vacancy.

I am including my resume with this letter.

As you will notice in reading my CV, I have been trained and educated in the areas of management and office automation and have several years of experience. 

I am bilingual and it is easy to deal with the different programs listed on my CV. Finally, I am available, dynamic, and a team player and these strong points will enable me to carry out my assigned duties in the most effective way possible.

I have experience in agriculture and animal husbandry.

I also have many skills in guard and security, Vehicle driver.

I will be very interested to work with you and developing my skills with you.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I'm available to meet you at your convenient time.




النموذج الثالث 



Dear recipient,

RE: Customer service/Call center position,

I have more than 5 years of experience in customer service,

and worked in several companies, including the field of

information technology and others in the field of car services.

I have always been ready to work with information and data, in terms of

collecting and arranging them, and then distributing them to

those who ask in a simple way.

I totally believe that information and the way it is provided is the most important thing in our time.

Customer service in its simplest form is the application of the process of information flow from the company to the customer

and revers.

If so, then you need to look no further. You will see from my enclosed resume that I meet all of these qualifications and more.

I would very much like to discuss opportunities with your company.

To schedule an interview, please call me at [    ].

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I look forward to talking with you.



النموذج الرابع 



I am a highly motivated and progress-focused Network Administrator with a long-standing

background in this industry. With a track record of initiative and dependability, I have devised strategic initiatives which I believe will prove valuable to any company.

I have acquired an understanding of server installation and computer configuration abilities, as well as how to install and configure and maintain Networks and Firewalls, I am a capable and consistent problem-solver skilled at prioritizing and managing projects with


In my previous role, I contributed problem-solving, management, and performance

monitoring toward team efforts and business improvements. I am progressive-minded and

in tune with new developments in my field. I have proven to be effective and collaborative with strong planning talents. I enjoy collective brainstorming sessions which all me to coordinate activities to achieve a common goal.

I believe I am prepared to handle the exciting challenges this position presents, and I hope

you afford me the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you in an interview. I have attached a copy of my resume to this application for your review. Please let me know if you require additional information.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


النموذج الخامس 

I am ( ), I am applying for this job because I have a good background in this domain, and like I mentioned in my CV, I worked in such a field and I really believe I can maintain the tasks as flawlessly as possible to achieve the group's goals.

the top with our hard work, cooperating, vision, and maintaining the needs of society.

I’ll transform my knowledge and experience into the practical field and do whatever it takes from me in

order to achieve the institute’s goals and perform all the tasks without delay.

With regards


النموذج السادس 

Dear Hiring Manager,

Please accept this letter as an expression of my interest in the -------- position.

I am a highly motivated and progress-focused General Practitioner with a long-standing background in this industry.

With a track record of initiative and dependability, I have devised strategic initiatives which I believe will prove valuable to your organization.

Throughout the course of my career, I have perfected my prescribing medication and treatment and education on disease prevention abilities. I am a capable and consistent problem-solver

skilled at prioritizing and managing projects with proficiency.

In my previous role, I contributed to communication, team-building, and ordering and interpreting

lab tests toward team efforts and business improvements. I am progressive-minded and in tune with new developments in my field. I have proven to be effective and collaborative with strong problem-solving talents. I enjoy collective brainstorming sessions which all me to coordinate

activities to achieve a common goal.

Please take a moment to review my attached resume and credentials. I would greatly appreciate

the opportunity to speak with you regarding my candidacy.

Thank you for your consideration.


النموذج السابع 

I am looking for a company that has a positive work environment, that appreciates and respects its employees while challenging .and improving their skills in Operations works I present myself as QHSE Specialist holding a bachelor's degree in the chemical laboratory I worked as a QHSE specialist in Empower Logstor Insulated pipe Systems For 5 years and QHES officer in Petroadge for Petroleum & Mining for 2 years with all responsibilities For that role. Also, I worked as QC Inspector at Sudan Atomic Energy Commission for 1 year and I worked in Quality & HSE courses.

coordinator in Estidama Traning Center for 2 years with all my qualifications and work experiences I am seeking a position within your esteemed company that provides good expertise, allowing me to expand on my hard and soft skills with confidence and creativity

النموذج الثامن 

Dear Sir / Madam,

application form: I am looking forward to a job()

Please find attached my resume in support of my application for the above position.

I am applying for this role because I strongly believe I have the necessary skills, qualities, and experience to carry out the duties to a very high standard.

having already worked in similar jobs, have the knowledge & experience needed to

contribute to the team in the fastest time possible.

A brief overview of the skills, qualities, and attributes possess are as follows:

An ability to work as part of a team to achieve company goals and projects.

*More than five years of experience in the field of Human Resources, Administration work, documentation, coordination, organization, and analysis.

*Strong interpersonal skills and capable of communicating with individuals at all levels

and from various backgrounds.

*Administering all the hiring processes of new employees.

*Develop job descriptions and post advertisements on job platforms.

*Ability to conduct telephone and face-to-face interviews.

*Draw up a short list of candidates.

Best Regards

النموذج التاسع 



I am sending my resume to your foundation for the opportunities that may have, and it

can be suitable for my qualifications and skills.

With a BS degree in economic and social studies and 3 years as a representative in an

industrial company, I have a comprehensive understanding of sales and marketing. I also

worked for 1 year as a trainee in a Bank, So I gained a good knowledge of the details of this field.

I also have skills in learning and applying new technologies as appropriate. Please see my

resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via email (), or by cell phone, ()

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you



النموذج العاشر 

Dear Sir/Madame,

I hope this email finds you in a good health. Please accept this letter as an expression of my

interest in the position of Mechanical Engineer within your great organization. As indicated in my

resume, I received a bachelor's Degree in mechanical engineering in 2012 from the university of

Jordan and placed a grade of 'A' after my final examination. I have more than 10 years of experience

in my major, refer to The attached resume.

Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to your response.



النموذج الحادي عشر 


I’m writing in response to your recently advertised position for a Customer Service. I am very interested in this opportunity with Emirates and believe that my qualifications, education, and professional experience would make me a strong candidate for the position.

I am I specialize in customer service and have 4 years of experience in communications technical support call centers and good oversight in resolving customer complaints with excellent problem-solving skills professional Enclosed is my resume that more fully details my background and work experience, and how they relate to your position. As you can see,

Customer Service Vodafone

1. I Was Working on Solving Various problems with clients

2. Accept customer consultation online

3. providing customers with accurate solutions

I firmly believe that I can be a valuable asset to your team. I welcome

the opportunity to speak with you about this position and how my

the experience could help achieve its goals.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Kind regards,


النموذج الثاني عشر  

Dear sir/madam,


It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Planning

Engineer. I am a Planning Engineer professional with around 12 years of an

experience in planning.

As you will see from the attached CV I have extended experience as a senior

planning engineer which integrates with (cost control, quantity survey, quality

control and risk management). And I worked for these Sectors (Building,

Infrastructure, Roads, malls, and composed systems) Makes Me one of The Most

Suitable Candidates for Conglomerates Looking for Experienced Individuals with

Diverse Experience.

I am a professional to use computer software (Primavera, MS Project, MS Excel, MS word, and MS access). And I have international certification in programming

MCSD (Microsoft Software Developer).

I would like the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value that I can bring to your company I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing

from you

Best regards


النموذج الثالث عشر   

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the Customer Service position at your Company I am a highly motivated

individual with great customer service skills and experience, so I would be an asset to your team.

In my previous customer service roles, I have always gone above and beyond for customers. I have a natural ability to build relationships and solve problems, so I am confident that I can provide excellent service to your customers.

My previous role in Customer Service has given me the organizational skills and experience

necessary to excel in this role. Moreover, I managed to achieve customer satisfaction, while

working at my previous job, which proves that I can Prevent a track record of successfully managing customer relationships

By joining your team, I hope to develop my skills further and contribute to the success of the

business. I see myself fitting in long-term, and I am eager to use my skills to help the company

achieve its customer service goals.

Please find attached my resume and certificates for you to read. I can start work immediately.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



النموذج الرابع عشر    

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume for the Sales Associate position with your

company. I have a wide array of interests and strengths that I believe would be beneficial to

your company. As someone who is hardworking and enthusiastic, I would be an asset to you.

Thanks& Regards.


النموذج الخامس عشر     


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the Business Development Specialist Position at your reputed company. As someone who is familiar with the endeavors of your company, I would enjoy taking on this role and utilizing my existing skills to help you optimize your operations. Courtesy of my multiyear history of entrepreneurial development for companies of all sizes, I am skilled in the areas of demand recognition, human resources, budgeting, marketing, and expansion.

I developed a long list of skills that can be leveraged to help any firm fulfill its customers' needs more effectively, including far-reaching market understanding, effortless performance under tough deadlines and advanced professional communication. I am also a strong believer in ongoing learning and spend dozens of hours attending courses of continuing education every year.

النموذج السادس عشر 

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing this cover letter to express my interest in applying for the vacant position at your company,

knowing your reputable institution and the opportunities it provides. I am confident that I would make a valuable addition to your team.

Currently, I am working at (), where I develop innovative and cost-effective

strategies. Furthermore, I build and maintain long-term relationships with customers, vendors, and suppliers.

Using my knowledge and working expertise I managed to complete several projects inside the company in which I learned how to expedite the workflow and achieve very successful results that helped to maintain an excellent skillful reputation beyond.

Moreover, I thrive in high-pressure and fast-paced situations, striving for positive results by applying my contract negotiation and trend forecasting abilities.

Having read a lot about your company's culture, ethics, and values, I can confidently assure you that I will represent the best fit for the job, as we both share the same vision.

The combination of creativity and attention to detail will fit perfectly with your firm goals and will aid you in reaching your desired ambitions.

Please do not hesitate to mail me at any time for more information or an in-person interview. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


النموذج السابع عشر  

After reviewing your post for the "General Practitioner Doctor" on (), I discovered that your

requirements applied perfectly to my capacities and expertise. That is why I am confident that I will

make the ideal candidate for this role, in which I will be able to further improve both personally and


First of all, I am a holder of a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from Badji Mokhtar University in

Annaba, Algeria, a WHO-recognized medical school, where I was able to develop excellent field

knowledge and expertise thanks to its practice-oriented rich study program, and extraordinary work

ethics. I also speak 3 languages fluently; English, French, and Arabic which is my Native language, which might come in handy in a country like the UAE.

After graduation, I had the chance to work for nearly 3 years in a remote area in the Algerian Sahara

desert in a relevant work environment to your vacancy. My job consisted mainly of:


- Emergency assessment, ensuring quick diagnosis and accurate and rapid management, all of which are

fulfilled by critical thinking, quick decisions making and working under pressure tolerance

- Day-to-day activities, consisting of out-patient consultations, admitting and monitoring in-patients,

collaborating with specialists in setting up therapy plans and executing them accordingly.

Finally, you can find attached my updated Curriculum vitae, also feel free to contact me if you have any

further questions about my career history. I can be reached at any time at () or via e-

mail at (). Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to be hearing

from you soon.

النموذج الثامن عشر   

Dear sir/madam,

Please find attached my resume in support of my application for the above position. I am applying for

this role because I strongly believe I have the necessary skills, qualities, and experience to carry out

the duties to a very high standard. Having already worked within similar industries, I have the knowledge and experience needed to contribute to the team in the fastest time possible. A brief overview of the skills, qualities, and attributes / possess are as follows:


- Play an active role as Brand Ambassador by inculcating the brand vision to instill consumer brand


- Maintain and grow the clientele base through active engagement

- Excellent communication and listening skills

- High levels of customer service and care

- sales processes

- An honest, reliable, and disciplined approach to my work

I am available for an interview at short notice and would very much appreciate the opportunity to

demonstrate to you my skills, qualities, and experience, and how I can help your business to continually thrive.


النموذج التاسع عشر    

Dear Human Resource Manager:

I am extremely interested in obtaining the ( IT Support Engineer ) with your corporation. I have

outlined some background information about myself below and attached a copy of my resume for

your consideration.

I am organized and detail-oriented، work well under pressure and deadlines، enjoy working with a

variety of people and have a great attitude. I am looking for a creative، challenging, growth-oriented

position and would like the opportunity to learn more about your corporation. What you need and

what I can do sounds like a match!

I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your perusal. Thank you for your time and courtesy in

reviewing this material and for your consideration of my qualifications for the open position. Please

contact me at your earliest convenience so that I may share with you my background and

enthusiasm for the position.


النموذج العشرون    

Dear recruitment team/ recruiter ……

I hope that my email reaches you well.

I am kindly sending you my CV attached expressing my interest to join your team and fill the finance

manager role.

I highly appreciate your consideration in advance and remain available for any additional information that might be required.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards


النموذج الواحد وعشرون    

I am pleased to submit my resume for your establishment's open host position. Given my background in hospitality and customer care, I feel I am in a great position to make significant contributions to Atlantis. In each of my previous roles, I have delivered success on a range of business objectives by applying a focused personal integrity and work ethic, as well as a passion for problem-solving.

Kindly find My attached resume which provides additional information on my background and qualifications.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Best regards.

النموذج الثاني وعشرون     

Dear Hr

I am organized and detailed-oriented, work well under pressure and deadlines, enjoy working with a

variety of people, and have a great attitude. I am looking for a creative, growth-oriented position and

would like to take an opportunity to learn more about your corporation. What you need and what I can

do sounds like a match!

If, after review of my resume, you would be interested in conducting an interview, please feel free to

contact me on my mobile. I am very eager to meet with you and explore the possibility of utilizing my

experience and knowledge to benefit your organization. Thank you for your time and consideration.


النموذج الثالث وعشرون      

I am excited to be applying for that farmworker position I have volunteered on a farm for the past four years, so I know what it takes to get the job done. I am a hard worker who is not afraid of a challenge. Furthermore, I am also detail-oriented, which is important when it comes to Farm work I am familiar with all the tasks that are typically required of a farmworker, I am comfortable working long hours in the sun, and am not afraid of getting my hands dirty. I am also proficient in using farm equipment, including tractors and harvesters. Not only that, but I am able to handle physical labor for extended periods of time. I am excited to join the team at your farm and to help contribute to the success of the farm. I believe that my volunteering experience and my dedication to hard work will make me a valuable member of the team. Likewise, I am confident that I have the skills and experience that you are looking for, and I am eager to put my abilities to work for your organization. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this opportunity further. Thank you for your time and consideration


النموذج الثالث وعشرون      

I am a Certificated pharmacist from Sudan International University. I have 4 years of experience in

community pharmacy I have a strong knowledge of communication skills and computer skills principles backed by experience I have gained in the last few years, in my previous positions, I worked as a community pharmacist and as a pharmacy manager. Throughout my career, I have been reaching goals and exceeding expectations there is more depth on my experience and skills in my resume which I would appreciate if you looked over.

النموذج الرابع وعشرون       

Dear sir/madam,

I fully hope to be considered for a position in your well-reputed school, including a brief outline of my background and qualifications for your review. I believe that I could make a strong addition to your respected organization and offer the following career highlights to support my candidacy.

in-depth knowledge of teaching and explaining various materials of English language skills, with good

experience in evaluating and assessing students' abilities in the four skills. However, I was a member of the examination control room in British Educational schools, which added to my five-year experience in good administering skills.

Moreover, I possess excellent communication, leadership, and problem-solving strengths. For a greater

presentation of career contributions and achievements. please see my enclosed resume. I welcome the

opportunity to speak with you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.


النموذج الخامس وعشرون        

Dear Hiring Manager,

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the Civil engineer role at your company. After reviewing your job description, it’s clear that you’re looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations. I am an adaptable recent college graduate (Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering) from the University of Gezira. Throughout my academic career, I was consistently praised as hard-working by my professors and peers. While working on academic and extracurricular projects, I developed proven teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills, which I hope to leverage into the Civil engineer role at your company. After reviewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and competitive candidate you are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how my

specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization. Please contact me at () to arrange a convenient meeting time. Thank you for your consideration, and I look

forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,


النموذج السادس وعشرون        

Dear recruiter.

I am () graduated from () with a bachelor's degree in applied Biological Sciences in (), With an additional certificate in the profession of Medical Laboratory Technician. A former member of the science students' research club.

I have a great passion for scientific research topics, I trained in the fourth year of my year at the (), and I learned bio-research techniques in the cellular and molecular departments.

After graduation, I started as an intern. I have been trained at (), and I have acquired many skills. The level of my concentration has increased because we are dealing with patient samples.

The training took place in more than one department, including reception, phlebotomy, culture bacteriology, Hematology, coagulation, routine, biochemistry, and hormones.

I worked with the Epidemiological investigation teams with actual experience.

I have some volunteer work I participated in while I was at the university, including volunteering at the Zoological Museum, and the Botanical herbarium.

I learned how to preserve, archive, classify and preserve samples by scientific methods. After

graduation, I joined the () as a volunteer, in voluntary educational lectures and cultural initiatives.

Best regards.


النموذج السابع  وعشرون        

Please accept this letter and the accompanying resume as an expression of my interest in a position with your Organisation.

As my resume indicates, yes I’m categorized under fresh graduation engineers. But, I have the ability that the propagation period will be more than enough to be perfect in my position.

I am certain I could make significant contributions to your organization, and I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my education and abilities might best be employed by your organization.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your response.




النموذج الثامن وعشرون        

Dear Hiring Manager,

My name is (), and I am a chemical engineer. I consider myself to be a quick

learner, a hard worker, and a self-starter.

I am writing to express my high interest in joining your team as a Chemical engineer. I do believe

that I am a suitable candidate, as I got training with Dar Aldawa development and investment

company and this training was held in the production department, where they follow the Good

Manufacturing Practice principles. After training, I became more familiar with many terms

relevant to GMP.

I also got my training at ACDIMA Biocentre for bioequivalence and pharmaceutical studies. I

trained in the bioanalytical lab, Validation, and Qualification department. I got a good knowledge of how to do calibration and preventive maintenance. I learned how QA works and what their responsibilities are.

My graduation project about the decontamination of textile industry effluents, I Became more

familiar with design In Wastewater treatment, Calculations, and Concepts.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for taking the time to read my resume.

Kind regards,


النموذج التاسع  وعشرون        

Dear Hiring Manager,

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the “ Italian Chef/ chef de cuisine......” role at your

company. After reviewing your job description, it's clear that you're looking for a candidate

that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the “ Italian Chef / Chef

de cuisine.........” role and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, I am

certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above


I am a quality-oriented professional who has been consistently praised as detail-oriented by

my co-workers and management. Over the course of my 25-year career, I’ve developed a

skill set directly relevant to the “Italian Chef/ Chef de cuisine....” role you are hiring for,

including food preparation, haute cuisine, plating, and food presentation. Overall, I have

consistently demonstrated communication, language, and teamwork abilities in every aspect

of my “Italian Chef/ Chef de cuisine...” role at several restoration companies, and I invite

you to review my detailed achievements in the attached resume.

After reviewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and

competitive candidate you are looking for. I look forward to elaborating on how my specific

skills and abilities will benefit your organization. Please contact me at () to arrange a convenient meeting time.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



النموذج الثلاثون         

I am excited to be applying for this Primary School Teacher position at your school. I have been a classroom teacher for over 30 years of teaching experience. I have a proven track record of success in the classroom, and I am passionate about helping students reach their fullest potential.

I believe that all students can learn and achieve academic success when they are in a supportive and positive environment. I strive to create a classroom culture that is both engaging and challenging, where students feel safe to take risks and explore new ideas. My teaching style is student-centered, and I focus

on differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

I am also committed to collaborating with colleagues to create a strong team that can support and challenge each other. I have been a part of several committees and school improvement projects, and I am always looking for ways to help my school be the best it can be.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting you in person and sharing with you my teaching philosophy while learning more about this job opportunity. I am a committed lifelong learner and I will continue to grow as a teacher and in my knowledge of subject matter throughout my time at your school.

النموذج الواحد وثلاثون          

Dear recruitment team :

I hope that my email reaches you well.

I am kindly sending you my CV attached expressing my interest to join your team and fill the oral surgeon doctor role.

I highly appreciate your consideration in advance and remain available for any additional information that might be required.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards.

Full name :


النموذج الثاني  وثلاثون          

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a fresh master control engineer who graduated from the University of Medical Sciences

and Technology, Sudan, and have two years of experience in Teaching, Research,

Programming, Automation, Embedded Systems, and Technology.

In my previous role at Albanjar for agriculture and animal production, I was responsible for

designing, developing and testing embedded systems for a variety of products. I have

experience with a wide range of controllers and instruments, and I am well-versed in both

hardware and software design. I am also familiar with product development life cycles and

have experience with both agile and waterfall methodologies.

Most importantly, I am passionate about electrical and electronics engineering and enjoy working on complex problems. I have strong attention to detail and take great pride in my

work. I am also a team player and am able to work effectively with other engineers and stakeholders.

About my academic accomplishments recently I have a distinction grade for M.Sc. electronics(Control). Earlier in my bachelor of electrical engineering, I graduated as the top one in my class with a patent for my final project from the registrar general of

Intellectual Property, Sudan. After that, I obtained the degree of master in business administration(MBA) with a very good grade, which is also a reflection of my leadership,

project management, and teamwork skills. These traits will transfer to your team and make a noticeable contribution to your company.

Thank you for reviewing my background in consideration for this position. I would be

encouraged to have the opportunity to meet with you to discuss more details of my studying background, prior internship, and other experiences relative to your position and company.


النموذج الثالث وثلاثون             

Dear sir

I am excited to be applying for this Accountant position at your honorable company. I believe

the job duties listed align well with my skills. I am someone who is highly experienced and who

worked with many people of different nationalities and backgrounds. My previous positions

range from working as an auditor and an accountant for construction companies and hotels 

not to forget my long experience in fully running an establishment in the field of transportation

and taxis. My CV contains both more information about me and how to contact me. Waiting for

your response soon.


for WhatsApp:



النموذج الرابع وثلاثون              

Hello Dears,,,

I have practical experience in the field of customer services in the largest telecommunications companies in Sudan, where I worked as a customer services agent in the subscriber services center of the “Zain Mobile Company LTD, where I learned this year the skills of effective communication with customers, creating relationships with permanent customers and attracting new customers for the company, the solution, All their problems, working to satisfy them, satisfying their desires, listening well to them, organizing and planning time, and bearing work pressures.


النموذج الخامس وثلاثون              

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a seasoned management professional with 15+ years of recognition in creating robust strategies,

translating strategic vision into achievements; exhibiting strong analytical, problem-solving and

decision-making skills with a passion for ensuring business excellence. I am seeking an executive

position with a dynamic organization to leverage the extensive managerial experience and industry savvy

to deliver stellar results.

As apparent from my CV, I have gained expertise in business management, strategic vision/ tactical

implementation, operational excellence, and proven effective success achievements.

My leadership has been foundational in expansion environments, each time results were beyond

stated projections, this is evident from the fact that I have efficaciously facilitated expansion to

Southern Province. I am a visionary & decisive leader, known for my sound, practical management style,

employing excellent management skills to motivate team members for peak performance.

I am much-admired for my ability to provide creative, state-of-the-art, enthusiastic, and radical

leadership in a global team environment. My attached CV details my experience. I look forward to the

opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications further.




النموذج السادس   وثلاثون              

Good morning,

My name is (), I am a professional, hardworking, and resilient civil engineer who takes great pride in

not only the quality of work, I produce but also the consistently high standards I aim to achieve for my


Over the years, I have gained a tremendous amount of experience that I feel will be highly beneficial

to your organization. I absolutely love my work as a civil engineer, and in addition to having the

necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to excel within the role, I also possess outstanding

technical, communication, and interpersonal skills that enable me to build strong and long-lasting

relationships with clients, contractors, and stakeholders.

If I am successful in my application to become a civil engineer with your company, I can assure you I

will work hard to produce consistently strong and professional results that you will be proud of.

النموذج السابع وثلاثون              

First of all, I would like to thank HR for the opportunity to apply for the position of Physics teacher.

I am () from (), and I have a Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of (). I love physics and its teaching, and I have the ability to make students love physics by using methods that rely on modern technologies.

 I have the ability to contribute to the establishment of advanced physics laboratories to keep pace with scientific development in the world. I strive to improve students' understanding of physics by using appropriate techniques, designing real scientific experiments that serve the desired goal, or using computer simulations and supervising relevant scientific laboratories to train students at an excellent

scientific level. Physics is one of the fundamental sciences on which most

engineering disciplines are based and is necessary to provide society with cadres

capable of keeping pace with global scientific and technological progress to enable

the community to live in prosperity and wealth. So, understanding physics is critical.

النموذج الثامن وثلاثون              

Dear Sir / Madam, I am (), Jordanian, 32 years old, graduated from The

World Islamic Science University, Faculty of Accounting in 2014 (Amman-Jordan).

A highly motivated person who believes in team spirit and delivering stretch targets.

Working as cost Accountant at (), Riyadh –Saudi Arabia. And I have worked as General Accountant at ()– Saudi Arabia.

Also worked as Accountant at Istiklal Hospital. and an Accountant at ALTAWFIQ FOR CEMENT PRODUCTS My goal is to live a challenging experience to improve my capabilities and spared what I have for others. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this letter and my enclosed.

Thank you for your time.

النموذج التاسع والثلاثون              



Dear sir,

I’m writing to apply for Shift Engineer, Dear Sir,

Hope you are fine and safe, I am () Maintenance and operation engineer I was

working at (), I was work as a mechanical site engineer at() and Mechanical Maintenance Engineer at ()

I have 5 years of experience in the food industry and hotels. I believe that can make a

a significant contribution to your organization.

Yours Sincerely

النموذج الأربعون               

During my career, I have contributed to the achievement of results positive business through the organization, prioritization, and effective follow-up of company projects. My strengths and qualifications perfectly match the job requirements and will immediately add value to your company.

In my previous role as Slackline Superintendent, I operated a calculated and

methodical approach to problem-solving.

Although I am highly motivated on my own, I enjoy contributing to collective efforts and collaborating productively within a group. In addition, I have skills in management and resource management, but also in data processing and analysis.

This opportunity is particularly exciting because my professional objectives correspond to the missions and values ​​of your company. My personal skills such as delegation, management, and collaboration will also serve to support the constant efforts of your company.

To illustrate the scope of my professional background and my professional skills, please take a moment to review my attached CV. Thank you for your

assessment of my qualifications and the responses that will follow.



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